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Split Pea Puree- Puré de chícharos     
by Cuban Cook

Puré de chícharos               Serves: 6  

Notes: There are no hard and fast rules for this soup, Let you palate guide you for seasoning and texture.

1. Wash peas and soak overnight. Discard old water and add fresh together with
chopped ham.

2. Cook until peas begin to soften. Add remaining ingredients and cook over low heat until the pumpkin is soft .

3. Place all ingredients through a blender and serve immediately or keep warm in a double boiler.

If you prefer a lighter soup, increase the cups of water to 4 instead of 3. Serve with cheese toast or fried bread.


  • 1 Cup shelled split peas
  • 3 Cups water
  • 3/4 Pound ham
  • 1 Cube stock (beef or chicken)
  • 1 Small onion
  • 1/2 Green pepper
  • 1 Cup diced pumpkin
  • 2 Tbsp. butter

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